Kent Free Library’s Fall Story Time session begins on Monday, August 14 and runs for 11 weeks. 9 different weekly story times are offered, with specialized programs for babies, toddlers, and preschoolers, as well as programs for the entire family. Story Times are led by professional Youth Services librarians who have been trained in early childhood literacy.

Registration is not required for story times, but space is limited, so pick up a boarding pass at the desk in the Dubois Children’s Reading Room up to 30 minutes before each program.

A variety of other children’s, tween, and teen programs also get underway, including Tales and Treats on Tuesday afternoons, Tween Zone on Thursday evenings at 7 p.m., Teen Scene on Monday evenings at 7 p.m., the popular Pokemon Club one Wednesday and one Friday each month, and 2 new book clubs for teens and tweens.

For a complete schedule, visit the Dubois Children’s Reading Room. For more information, call the Youth Services Department at 330.673.4414.