The library’s Seed Library will open with hundred of varieties of vegetable, herb, and flowers seeds available for free to all community members.  A library card is not required to check out seeds.

The collection is made up of seeds that community members donated from vegetables and flowers they grew in their gardens last year, and also from seeds donated to the library from Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds, High Mowing Organic Seeds, and Seed Savers Exchange.  Seeds have been repackaged into envelopes containing about enough seeds to plant a 10′ row.

The collection is located in an old card catalog on the first floor of the library, around the corner from the Information Desk.  Seeds are organized by type of seed in each drawer and specific varieties rubberbanded together.

To check out seeds, visit the library and flip through the Growing Guide for available varieties or browse through the drawers containing the seeds.  Note that supplies of seeds are limited and first come-first served.  Not all varieties may be available throughout the planting season.  Choose up to 20 packets, no more than 2 packets of any variety.  Then just fill out a Check Out form and return it to the Information Desk.

Find information on how to plant seeds in the Growing Guide or check out the many books the library has on gardening.

If you have a successful harvest, please bring seeds back to the library October 2021 – January 2022 to help replenish the collection.  Information about saving seeds is available in the Growing Guide, and the library also has several books on seed saving.

The Seed Library will remain open until July 1.