Library Card Sign Up Month
This year, DC’s Wonder Woman is embarking on a mission to champion the power of a library card as Library Card Sign-up Month Honorary Chair.
To show our appreciation for all our cardholders, everyone who posts a selfie showing off their KFL card in the month of September will be entered in a raffle drawing. Use #myKFLcard to enter.
The adult prize is a home movie basket with a Wonder Woman DVD, plenty of snacks, and a throw blanket. The kid’s prize is a gift card for Kent Cinemas to book a Private Theater for up to 20 people!
These days, a library card provides access to much more than just the materials in the library–it is also the key to the books, music, magazines, and movies in digital collections such as Ohio Digital Library, Hoopla, RB Digital, Freegal, and Kanopy.
Just typing in your library card number also opens access to thousands of full text magazines and journals in Ebscohost MasterFile and dozens of great online resources for doing homework.
If you or someone in your family doesn’t have a library card, we want to get you signed up! Find out how.