The library offers computers on the first floor and in the second floor computer lab for public use. Library users may log on to these computers using their library card or may ask for a Guest ID at either Information Desk.  Computers offer access the Internet and the suite of Microsoft Office products.

Black and white copies are $.10 per page and color are $.25 per page.  Patrons may add money to their Kent Free Library card or Guest ID using the Print Station in the lab (cash or debit/credit) or at the Check Out Desk (cash only).

Patrons may use computers for unlimited time unless all computers are in use, in which case, time will be limited to 2 hours.

Computers in the lab close 15 minutes before the library closes and at closing on the first floor.

Computers may be used on a walk in basis or may be reserved at the reservation stations. The reservation will be held for fifteen minutes after the intended starting time.

Computer users must abide by the library’s Behavior Policy.

The library also offers wireless printing from patrons’ laptop or mobile device through Princh.