Kent Free Library Foundation
The Kent Free Library Foundation is a non-profit organization incorporated under Ohio law in 1977. The Foundation is classified as a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt, charitable organization formed solely to benefit the Kent Free Library. The Foundation accepts and receives memorial donations and cash gifts, holds and maintains real and personal property, and offers planned giving opportunities. As such all contributions made to the Foundation are tax deductible to the extent of the law.
Over the years, the Foundation has served as a mechanism to stabilize library funding, acquire property to benefit Kent Free Library, and assist with funding for the construction of library projects. In addition, the Foundation routinely supports programs for the Youth and Adult Services departments, including the Summer Reading Programs. Funding for refreshments, program snacks, honorariums for speakers, performer fees and prizes for library events are provided by the Foundation.
Foundation Board of Directors
A Board of Directors manages and governs the Kent Free Library Foundation. The Library Director serves on the board. The Foundation works in collaboration with the library’s Board of Trustees in their efforts to support and maintain library services to the community.
Current Directors:
Jim Bear
Julie Kenworthy
Asad Khan
Iris Meltzer
Stacey Richardson
John Ryan
Gifts to the Kent Free Library Foundation are an excellent way to ensure continuing excellence of library services for the residents of Kent. The library’s tradition of excellence in programming, collections and services is a tribute to the generosity and support of the community. All gifts are fully tax-deductible as allowed by law. The Foundation accepts contributions from individuals, corporations, and foundations. Examples of planned giving opportunities include:
- Including the Library Foundation in your will
- Naming the Library Foundation as a beneficiary of all or part of your life insurance or retirement plan
- Making a planned gift to honor a loved one
- Making a deferred gift such as a charitable trust or gift annuity
- Including the Library Foundation in your estate plan
For more information about giving opportunities please contact the Kent Free Library Foundation at 330.676.0436 or by emailing the Library Director, Stacey Richardson, at [email protected].
Thank you for supporting the library’s mission.