What is Teen Leadership Council?
Teen Leadership Council is a group of teen volunteers that meets monthly to provide suggestions and input on programming, planning, and teen interests. Participants serve as ambassadors in their community and receive volunteer credit for the work that they do.
What are specific activities that Teen Leadership Council members will participate in?
Activities may include discussing books, magazines, movies, and trends in the teen community, identifying ways to serve our community, organizing a yearly donation drive, and collaborating on planning an event for teens.
How do I join Teen Leadership Council?
To join, you must fill out an application and receive acceptance. You can fill out an application online here or come to Kent Free Library and ask for one from the Youth Services desk on the 2nd floor. Applicants will be notified of their acceptance via email.
How do I know if I am eligible to apply?
To be eligible to join TLC, you must be:
- In grades 9-12
- Committed and available to meet once a month from October through May
- Willing to respectfully participate in discussions, activities and programs
- Able to attend two teen programs or events at Kent Free Library between October and May
- Ready to abide by the code of conduct
When are applications due?
Applications are due by September 30th.
When does TLC meet?
Teen Leadership Council will meet on the 3rd Thursday of each month from 6pm-7pm starting in October and ending in May.
Why should I join TLC?
Teen Leadership Council offers teens the opportunity to:
- Share their voices and provide input on what the library offers for teens.
- Meet other teens and make new friends.
- Develop leadership, teamwork, communication, and organizational skills.
- Receive volunteer credit that looks great on job, college, and scholarship applications.
- Make a positive impact in their community.
To join TLC, you must agree to the following rules:
- I will do the best I can to attend the monthly TLC meetings. If I cannot make it to a meeting, I will email TLC Leader Lisa Kellar to notify her of my absence as soon as I am able. More than two unexplained absences may result in losing membership.
- I will be respectful, courteous and kind to other TLC members, librarians, and library patrons. This includes listening while others speak, respectfully communicating thoughts and ideas, avoiding monopolizing the conversation, and refraining from making any negative, insensitive or damaging remarks. TLC is a safe space and membership will be revoked if any harmful comments or behaviors are exhibited.
- I will show respect towards the library and its materials by leaving meeting spaces clean and tidy, and avoiding damaging materials, supplies or equipment.
- During meetings, activities, and library functions, I will act in a way that reflects positively upon myself and the Kent Free Library.Breaking one or more of these rules may result in revocation of membership status.
Questions? Email TLC Leader Lisa Kellar at [email protected] for more information.